Ready to Live More and Work Less?

You are exhausted with trying to make it work and stay on the treadmill of work and life and family.

You feel pulled in a ton of different directions… Family needs you, work wants you and that little part of you that is YOU has somehow been lost along the way.

You know you are meant for more!

Ready to Live More and Work Less?

You are exhausted with trying to make it work and stay on the treadmill of work and life and family.

You feel pulled in a ton of different directions… Family needs you, work wants you and that little part of you that is YOU has somehow been lost along the way.

You know you are meant for more!

You’re working all hours and somehow haven’t quite managed to escape the endless to-do lists and feel chained to your current way of working.

🤪 If you don’t work you don’t earn
🤪 You’re exhausted and overwhelmed trying to do everything
🤪 You know there has to be a better way, you just need a little help getting there.
I know what it’s like to be squeezed and have to choose between family life and your work.

I know what it’s like to feel guilty  that you’re not with your family when you’re working on the business…

And then sneakily check your phone when you’re having family time because your stomach is in knots that you’re not doing what you should be doing for work…
✅ The good news is there is another way.
✅ You truly can live more and work less.
✅ And you can create a life you love and work that works for you (rather than feeling like you’re chained to the job).

The honest truth is... We Can’t Do Everything Alone

As entrepreneurs, we think we have to do it ALL.

But along the way, doubts and imposter syndrome creep up.

You think . . .

“Who am I kidding!?”
“No one’s gonna buy that!”
“I can’t possibly succeed at this and make money.”

And every negative thought in between. . .But the truth of the matter is more telling. . .

Success is trial, error, and patience . . .And getting and maintaining mentors and support is part of the journey.

If you are ready to create a course and aren’t sure where to start…

Then this is the perfect place to start 👇

 And you wouldn’t just be dreaming of success with a passive, revenue-generating business...

You’d be living it.

Introducing the Laser Focused Strategy Sessions with Lucy...

Let’s spend two hours with me mapping out your digital course, and create your plan to start making money while you sleep.

We can spend the day planning out your sales strategy and content, and how you’re going to turn it into a money making machine.

⭐️ We’ll figure out if mini-courses or a signature course is best for you.
⭐️ How you can turn what you know into a profitable business.
⭐️ How best to share your expertise with the world… and what your audience needs to hear
⭐️ How you’re going to sell the course to build a money machine.

And if you’ve built your course, but are struggling to sell it… don’t worry, I’ve got you covered 😘
“Lucy shows you step-by-step why courses work, how to nail your course idea, and the most important part, how to sell them!”

Carrie Green, Female Entrepreneur Association

So if you're ready to change the way you work...

And build a digital course that gives you a financial safety net for the challenging times…

And is the key to getting that freedom lifestyle you dream of.

Then you can join me for a 2-hour session over Zoom to map out your strategy to sell courses on repeat.

Save Money, Time, and Years of Hard Work with One Smart Move . . . 

Hi! It’s Lucy! 

Let me share a little of my journey so far...

I know what it feels like to almost make it with online coaching, marketing, and courses.

Because that’s just where I was stuck before I turned my $19 course into a $1,000,000+ income-generating machine.

I had a great idea, hundreds of hours spent on design, copy, content, and systems . . .

And no income!

It felt terrible because everything I made seemed perfect . . .

And it just wouldn’t sell. Nothing was happening.
The minutes, hours, and days went by while my heart sank. I had done so many good things before and the pressure to succeed was so strong that I almost quit.

Today, I am so happy I didn’t . . . and that I believed in what was possible . . .

Because without that extra help and insight I found through a successive amount of ‘ah ha’ moments . . .

I would have been left stigmatized. And I would have missed out on a lot.

Like the money, success, and freedom of being my own boss, and the enduring self-esteem I’ve created through it. . .

So what did I learn during that time?

Success with digital courses is a learning curve, which you can battle through on your own . . .

Or leap over with the help of experts who’ve been there and come out on top.

And What Will Happen To You And Your Business After Our Session?

  • You’ll breathe a big sigh of relief knowing that you can have the clarity and focus to springboard your success and make money from what you know. 
  • ​You’ll focus on the important parts of your business you like with the ample amounts of free and creative time you have. Not to mention time with friends, family, and all those hobbies you miss!
  • ​You’ll transform your idea you’ve worked on into the real, polished image you imagined for yourself.
  • ​You’ll know how to leverage the technical and marketing expertise needed to catapult your growth.
  • ​You'll get off that launch rollercoaster and create consistent recurring income every single day!
  • ​You’ll be a new, better and healthier version of yourself with the secure foundation and mindset you need for continued success.
“Lucy Griffiths is a force of nature. She was the brains, strategist, and marketing Dynamo behind a whole new suite of courses for Psychologies magazine. To date, we’ve sold over 5,000 courses and created a new revenue stream for the magazine. Lucy is a genius!”

Suzy Walker, Editor-in-Chief, Psychologies
Ready to get going and grow your success exponentially?

Here's a little love from my clients...

Implement How to Sell on Repeat. All Day, Every Day.

Whether you are wanting to make the leap into passive income...

Having trouble completing your course...

Have made one and it’s not selling in the way you hoped...

Or just are looking for the next step…

I can help you focus on your priorities and streamline your systems so you get it DONE! ✅

I know that there is no “one-size-fits-all” remedy, and I want to help you discover what to do to bring your course to fruition, and watch your sales skyrocket 🚀🚀🚀

I know the digital course business inside and out. I know how frustrating it is to search for clients . . .and the pain to attract more . . .

Yet, I’ve overcome that and sold over 50,000 courses . . .

So what are you waiting for?!

“I spent so much money in the past on courses that did not pan out or that did not keep my interest enough to move forward even after all the money spent. Some of them were top names too. Lucy by far surpassed all of them! I highly recommend her to anyone wanting to move their business forward.”

Janet Sides, Totally U

But Here's the Catch...

If you aren’t fully committed to making scaleable digital courses a successful and profitable part of your marketing…

My one to one strategy is NOT for you.

It’s ONLY for those of you who are motivated, open-minded, and willing to put in the work.

If you’ve already resigned to the fact that you’ll just never scale your business… 🥺

Or you secretly think your time would be better spent on other marketing methods…

Or you’re only entertaining the idea of passive income because it feels “mandatory” as an entrepreneur... 💸

By all means, please pursue something else! I hope you find a tool that scales your business as passive income…

But if you’re aware of the huge benefits of digital course creation and scaling your online business and you’re anxious to experience all the benefits for yourself… 🔥🔥🔥

You’re exactly who I designed these strategy sessions for.

And if that’s your situation, I’d like to speak to you ASAP!

👇👇 Click the button below to schedule your call 👇👇
“Lucy Griffiths is the queen of courses! She’s one of the leading experts when it comes to course creation and she has helped thousands of students to create successful courses and recurring. She can also help you to create a course that actually sells – and sells while you sleep.”

Fiona Harrold, one of the UK’s leading life coaches
“Lucy Griffiths is the course goddess! With humor, warmth, and golden nuggets of insight she’s helped me to see what’s possible with diversifying my income and creating recurring revenue. Even more importantly, she’s guided me step by step to make it happen. She took the overwhelm out of creating a course. She can also help you to create a course that sells while you sleep.”

Caroline Goyder, Founder and Creator of the Gravitas Method, her TED Talk has over 8 million views.

Discover the Right Systems. And Breakthrough
Once. And. For. All.

You’ve come this far now, why not finish?

You probably have all of the reasons in the world to quit. Business isn’t easy. 

You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t up for the challenge.

What if you just say ‘yes,’ and do it despite your objections?

Wouldn’t it feel amazing to complete what you set out to do?

This strategy session is designed for business owners who want a smarter way of working... I know that's YOU. 

Can't wait to get to know you 💕

You’re So Close . . . 

Are you Ready to Live More, Work Less

Are you Ready to Live More, Work Less